
Lovely visit in Slovakia

17/06/2014 13:57
Link to a film from Slovakia We had a great time in Slovakia, thank you! The winning logo has been selected and the winner is Lithuania!

Dates of coming visits

27/05/2014 15:25
Slovakia - June 9th to June 13th Croatia - October 13th to October 18th Poland - February 2d to February 6th Hungary - April 13th to April 17th France - June 1st to June 5th


19/05/2014 21:35
Turkey's logo! Carmen, Slovakia France Sweden's logo    From Vilnius meeting!   Poland's contribution!

Article about Sweden visit

23/04/2014 14:49
The Visit To Sweden!   Monday. Today all the visitors arrived to Stockholm and was greeted by Lena who helped them get to 2kronor hostel where they would spend the night.   Tuesday. Today the Swedish students arrived to Stockholm and met  with the whole Comenius group. Later...

Visit in Vilnius

16/04/2014 11:16
Here is our photoexhibition!

Newspaperclip from Vilnius

10/04/2014 10:22 link above is from a newspaperclip in Vilnius which was written during our visit there.

To do before visit in Lithuania

15/02/2014 11:12
*Blog: - interaction between students - post pictures  - 5-10 pictures from the visit in Sweden from each country   * Bring 10 photos taken by pupils on photopaper A 4 size   * Some kind of presentations on the previous tasks, add links of them to the...

Visit in Sweden

15/02/2014 10:04
We had a successful visit in Sweden where the pupils of all countries presented their nations famous photograhpers and their work. We also visited Fotografiska museet, the photographical museum, in Stockholm and had a workshop in photograhpy where we learnt about perspectives and the golden...

Have a look at the products!

25/01/2014 13:00
There are new links to films and photos presentations if you look under "Products".

To do before visit in Sweden

10/01/2014 11:14
1. A trip to the art gallery where there’s a photo exhibition of a native photographer and a meeting with this artist, who’ll make a kind of informative lesson about techniques of taking good/artistic photos. A summing-up the trip presentation. 2. Photography workshops, during which students get to...
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